Services Why you should Join Us?

My life experience as an Immigrant motivates me to devote myself to shifting the narratives about Africa and the African diaspora by re-branding the perception of Africa. A Land of gold that has been painted as a dark and dejected continent. Through all our programs we are dedicated to promote unity, love in the African


AMA believes in offering our students real-life support to achieve their goals while connecting them with centers, agencies, or placement services


Self-Devolopment Miss Ebony World

7 years ago today, I made one of the best decisions of my life. Empower women, and helping them achieve their full potential in life while making a positive.


Event Planner, Program manager

My personal experience encourages clients to understand all the possibilities of what “The sky is your limit ” really means. Since I became active.


Paty & co

Paty & Company is a worldwide management consulting firm with over 7 years of leadership and experience in strengthening, providing guidance and support to help people


Are you an Artist? Why Acting and Performing?

The fashion industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. Yet we often forget that it’s crucial to focus on developing self-esteem and basic life skills that will last a lifetime if we want to achieve our full potential.